Knanaya Jacobite checking in.The official story is that 72 families of Jewish/israeli heritage came from Syria in 345AD and kept the community together through endogamy(only marrying from within the community).The rules and the concept of endogamy mean that you aren allowed to marry outside of knanaya.Also, you only knanaya if you born to knanaya parents, so “half knas” aren classed as knanaya.Knanaya has 3 sects within it: Syro malabar catholic, Malankara catholic and Jacobite. We allowed to marry within each (politics and pongacham do get in the way sometimes).A lot of people (esp NRI communities) see knanaya people as big headed and self important. A lot of (esp nri) knanaya people do proclaim themselves to be original christians and call themselves royal blood.
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