
OP literally said he did it secretly which implies that he didnt try to have a conversation. Sure the mom might not see a huge difference in her income but there will be a difference that she has to account for. You dont know what her credit card debt is, what their house is like etc etc. No, I am not jealous, I am saying it is bullshit that people who cannot use their own servers well (South America, other places that are very solitary in comparison with a low player count) cannot connect to better servers and people who can use their servers to the fullest extent can also use the furthest servers in the world from themselves. I don give a fuck about me being region locked because I enjoy playing with under 50 ping. That is how I play.

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anti_theft_backpack_fo_t_avel_98958.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/26 18:32 by elissamaxfield2