Was the only team that really looked at me and said: trust you. We have confidence in you. We believe in you. Bears are attracted to developed communities by the opportunity to forage for food. The solution lies in reducing the attraction. This may mean changes to the garbage collection schedule, new bear proof litter cans and dumpsters, community planning to amend wildlife corridors or green spaces, and the removal of un used, fruit bearing trees.

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If we want an economy, we need mines, resource extraction and the delivery and support systems for this activity. To do this we need a power line. Personally I believe BC Hydro is building the Northwest Transmission Line way too small. Local companies are doing a brisk business with lawn cleanup raking, mowing, fertilizing and over seeding lawns. This year in particular, with lawns, trees and shrubs stressed from dry heat and lack of rain, it wise to put nutrients into the soil with deep root fertilizing, kanken sale according to Edward Ramsden, owner of Enviro Masters Lawn Care in St. Albert..

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