(Image: [[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/B8E49582E3A683E3AC83E38883E3BC82E489BAE3A282E38883E38383E39183E3AF_FURLA_-_panoramio.jpg|https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f6/B8E49582E3A683E3AC83E38883E3BC82E489BAE3A282E38883E38383E39183E3AF_FURLA_-_panoramio.jpg]])Secondly, we had fantastic staff. All were courteous and had the best interest of the mountain and its guests at heart. The maintenance staff who worked tirelessly to assure safe and smooth operations, the ski school and rental staff that ensured our future ski enthusiasts enjoyed their experience. fjallraven kanken There was more than the ducks in the river. I was watching along with the crowd as the rescue team below the bridge sat in watch on the rocks and a man who I guess was in his late 20 was about 25 ft away from them also sitting on the rocks, once the ducks passed, he hopped in the water, tread water for a minute and then pushed off and started swimming down river. 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