Personal injury and damages can be the consequence if the towing of your car is not properly done without adequate experience; it is advised not to attempt to tow your car particularly if your car is new or [[|]] valuable. You agree to release and discharge us, to the full extent permitted by law, from all actions, proceedings, claims or demands for costs and damages howsoever arising which you may have at any time against us arising out of or related to your use of the Engage Victoria service. These drivers will also change tires on vehicles. The tow truck service company have feedbacks corner where actual customers post their testimonials on the company's services. This is exactly what I did in terms of designing unique homemade baits to target for big carp. Towing a person sitting in a boat can be divided into two categories, a quick, or short tow for rescue, and an in-line tow, which is not as urgent, and is for distance. Regularly check tyres (1-2 weeks before off-roading so there's time to get new ones). You obviously cannot start towing cars after buying a tow truck. If you have a spare tire and you know how to change it, then that's great but if you don't you will need to look for a towing service or roadside assistance service available in your area. Below are links to videos produced by Practical Caravan magazine and are useful in helping new caravanners to understand the basics of towing and manoeuvring. You can go a long way toward controlling trailer sway with the proper hitch set up. Your choice of trailer hitch may be the most important decision you make in towing safely. Whether you're just starting your adventures towing a small trailer, upgrading to a fifth wheel, or flat towing your vehicle with your motorhome, we have the towing systems and solutions to fulfill your essential needs. We'll get you going again at the roadside or provide towing if we can't. It is important that in your side view mirrors that you can see approaching vehicles and that you can easily see the tires of the camper. Even when towing a trailer in good weather, it's important to balance the load in your trailer so more weight is distributed at the front than at the back; typically, you want 60% of the weight towards the front of the trailer.